10 Sneaky tricks supermarkets use and how to beat them

Outsmart your grocery store.

10 Sneaky tricks supermarkets use and how to beat them

We all do it, run to the supermarket for one or two items and leave with a grocery cart full and a $300 bill. Why you ask? Because supermarkets use tactics that get shoppers to buy more. Yaysavings.com is about to blow the lid off and help you outsmart your grocery store, even when you run in for just a "couple of things"

They keep making the shopping carts bigger

Did you know shopping carts are getting larger because testing reveals that they encourage customers to buy more? Fight the urge to fill your shopping cart or grab a basket instead.

They use pretty colors to get you in the mood

You typically find the produce section in the front of the store, where the "bright colors put you in a good mood and inspire you to buy more." Start in the middle and stay on your game where you're surrounded by the less vibrant boxed and canned food.

They know which items you use to comparison shop

Milk, bread, bananas and eggs are the four items that customers most commonly rely on to compare prices between stores. Go beyond those items to make sure you're getting the best prices. Make a longer list of the items you purchase most and the price you usually pay. Keep it in your phone for easy reference while out shopping.

They use music to slow down your pace

Stores intentionally play music with a slower beat to encourage shoppers to move more slowly through the aisles - and buy 29 percent more! Put on your favorite workout mix instead and you'll automatically move at a brisker pace while shopping.

They try to discourage you from removing items from your cart

Supermarkets have started making checkout lanes more narrow to discourage the over 60 percent of shoppers who change their minds about an item while waiting in line. Don't let the narrow confines of the checkout lane pressure you into buying something you don't actually want or need. And on the flip side, they have stocked those lanes with all sorts of last minute impulse items. Resist the urge to add these unnecessary items to your bill.

They count on you buying their prepackaged meats

Did you know that you could save about 30% if you buy a larger cut of meat and ask the butcher to customize it for you? You can have them run half through the grinder for chop meat, cut it up into individual sized servings, etc.

They know you shop with your kids

We love our kids, but they make grocery shopping more difficult. Face it, most of us are more likely to impulse buy, less likely to price compare and rush through the store. Plus, Supermarkets capitalize on the fact that you will be shopping with your kids by organizing their shelves so the most appealing items to children are at their eye level and within reach.

They don't always accurately place sale signs

This is a tricky one - sale items typically apply to a certain size package, but sometimes the store will advertise the discount between the sale-price item and a different-sized, non-sale-price item. Check the details to make sure you are picking up the right one. Yaysavings.com bonus tip: if when you get to the checkout the item you thought was on sale doesn't ring up correctly, challenge it. It might be a computer error or mislabeled at the shelf. If it was a case of the item being mislabeled, a lot of stores will honor the sale price.

They know you assume bulk items are discounted

Always check the per piece cost of bulk items before purchasing. Buying in bulk doesn't always equal cost savings. Also, be realistic about whether or not you need that much of one item. It makes sense for non-perishables like paper towels or toilet paper but may not make sense for items that don't have a long shelf life

They trick you into thinking items at the end of the aisle are on sale

Buyer Beware!! Supermarkets sell these end-of-the-aisle areas to companies so they can promote a specific product.

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